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Life in the Spirit Seminar

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Life in the Spirit Seminar

Lord, what’s in it for me?


For anyone who asks, receives; and anyone who seeks, find; and to the one who knocks,

the door will be opened.

- Matthew 7:8



During the Last Supper, Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to remain with His Church forever. That promise was fulfilled through the charismatic experience at Pentecost.


Repeated affirmations by our Popes have encouraged us to embrace the charismatic dimension of our faith. More than 120 million Catholics in 235 countries have experienced the touch of God through the renewal. But there is more…so much more for each of us!


The Life In The Spirit Seminar continues the Pentecost miracle today in our communities. The Holy Spirit wants to empower us, to give us His gifts and to touch us personally.


Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa OFM, Cap., Preacher to Papal Household writes in his book, Praying for the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit As by a New Pentecost, the following:


There were four stages in the events of Pentecost: They were all filled with the Holy Spirit; they proclaimed God’s mighty works; God poured out His charisms on all flesh; and the Father made Jesus Lord. The principal instrument by which the renewal in the Spirit “changes people’s lives” is the baptism in the Spirit. This is a rite that occurs with gestures of great simplicity, in peace and joy, accompanied by an attitude of humility, repentance and openness to being children to enter the kingdom. It is a kind of epiclesis—that is, an invocation of the Spirit upon a member of the body of Christ. It is a renewal and actualization of Christian initiation. A personal Pentecost!

To some, He wants to give the gift of healing; to others, the gift of speaking in tongues; and to still others, the gift of prophecy. As St. Paul says in Corinthians 12:11, “…one and the same Spirit produces all of these, distributing them individually to each person as he wishes.” The Catechism (CCC-799) tells us that these extraordinary or simple and humble graces of the Holy Spirit called ‘charisms’, have been given to benefit the Church and should be accepted with gratitude. They are a wonderfully rich grace for the apostolic vitality and for the holiness of the entire Body of Christ.


If you would like a deeper union with God, a greater love for others, a fuller presence in your life of the fruit of the Holy Spirit, a fresh appreciation of Scripture, a desire for Christian fellowship, one or more of the charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit such as discernment and wisdom, then you won’t want to miss a Life In The Spirit Seminar and this wonderful opportunity to experience the power and presence of the Spirit in your life!

The truth is this: Jesus Christ suffered, died and rose from the dead for you and me. Do you know of anyone who could and would do this for us?


Amazing, isn’t it? The Son of God came so that in forgiving our sins we are able to receive the gift of new and eternal life. Jesus came that we might have life and have life more abundantly (John 10:10). Have you asked Jesus for this life that only he can offer and give?



“Baptism in the Spirit is a life-transforming experience of the love of God the Father poured into one’s heart by the Holy Spirit, received through a surrender to the lordship of Jesus Christ. It brings alive sacramental baptism and confirmation, deepens communion with God and with fellow Christians, enkindles evangelistic fervor, and equips a person with charism for service and mission.” International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services (ICCRS): Baptism in the Holy Spirit, pg. 13


“From the beginning of the Charismatic Renewal (Regina Caeli message, May, 2008), baptism in the Spirit has been experienced as a sovereign gift of God, not dependent on any human merit or activity.” (Benedict VXVI, Angelus message, January, 2008). International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services (ICCRS): Baptism in the Holy Spirit, pg. 14


All I have to do is ask?


Yes! In John’s Gospel, is not Jesus’ first question to those who followed him, “What are you looking for?” (John 1:38) After his resurrection, Jesus even fine-tuned his question to, “Whom are you looking for?”


Our hearts are yearning for Jesus Christ who alone gives us the Holy Spirit, by whose gifts we live the life in the spirit. One of the ways we receive these gifts is through the Life in The Spirit Seminar, also referred to as LSS.


What do I need to do to participate in the LSS?


If you feel a deep desire to participate, then you have everything you need!  Jesus has called you to encounter him, heart to heart. Depending on our life circumstances, making such decision may be easy or hard to do. Through prayer and perseverance, do ask God to make the way for you.


This LSS is facilitated by members of the Rochester/ Elmira District of the Bukas Loob Sa Diyos (BLD) or Open in Spirit to God, a Roman Catholic Covenant Community, based at Saint Anne Church, 1600 Mount Hope Avenue, Rochester NY 14620.


Each LSS weekend is unique. The program follows a general outline you might be familiar with, a period of preparation through praise, worship and reflection, that leads to a spiritually intense encounter with the Lord, on Baptism of the Spirit day. Seminar dates for 2020 have not been decided. Once we have the dates, we'll post them here.

If you want to attend the seminar, or if you have questions please send us an e-mail at

This seminar is open to all Catholics, 19 years old and up and it is completely FREE. 


How is LSS related to Baptism & Confirmation?


Through the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation the Holy Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit have already been given to us. In time, through our life experiences, we gain a level of maturity that enables to better appreciate these valuable gifts. The LSS, through the witness talks, allows us to prayerfully reflect on our own lives, and ascertain what positive and transformative power Jesus has given us in the Holy Spirit and the spiritual gifts. The LSS, therefore, is an instrument where we, as mature adults, can renew and strengthen our commitment to the way of Christian living.


Does it take courage to participate in the LSS?


It is better to say that it takes trust. Therefore, put your trust in the Lord and place the time of preparation and the weekend in his hands. Jesus extends to you the invitation; you only need to respond in child-like faith.


“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me.” (John 14:1)


Lives in the Spirit…


Stories about the LSS are best told through the lives of those who have been powerfully transformed by the Holy Spirit.


Marriages have been saved: couples who had considered their married lives ended have seen a fresh reason for a new beginning. 


Lives have been saved: people who thought that the Lord abandoned them are transformed into incredible witnesses of the power and purpose of life in Christ.


Many found reconciliation: people who could not speak with others without anger and resentment have been reunited, through the love of God, with their neighbor.


Many experienced freedom: those who spent the much of their lives struggling with oppressions – addiction, violence and sin – are set free to start anew, with a genuine ‘yes’ to God.


And faith is rekindled: timidity in the expression of our Christian faith is replaced by peaceful and prayerful courage to live our discipleship in mission both in private and in the public spheres of life.


But now, it is your turn! Are you willing to be surprised by the Holy Spirit to work in your life?


“Come and see.” - John 1:39

Next steps…


Spend time with the Lord in prayer. He has already stretched out his hands for you on Calvary, now he reaches out to you, offering you, once more, the gift of the life in the Spirit.

LSS 2024:

The BLD Rochester community is offering a Life in the Spirit Seminar this year. Please see below for schedule. 

If you or somebody is interested in joining the Life in the Spirit Seminar, please contact, Erlinda Hall at or Larissa Cafer at Larissa Cafer at 





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